Adiabatic inversion
using Pkg;
In this example we demonstrate how to simulate an adiabatic inversion pulse using the AdiabaticInversion implementation in BlochSimulators.jl
using BlochSimulators
using StructArrays, ComputationalResources
using PythonPlot
Parameters taken from Bernstein - Handbook of MRI Pulse Sequences, p. 196
γ = 267.52218744e6
T = 8e-3 # s
t = LinRange(-T / 2, T / 2, 1000)
Δt = first(diff(t))
TΔf = 10 # ?
β = 800 # rad/s
A₀ = 14e-6 # T
μ = 4.9 #
Amplitude modulation
A = @. A₀ * sech(β * t)
γΔtA = γ * Δt * A
Frequency modulation
Δω = @. -μ * β * tanh(β * t)
Δf = Δω / 2π
Assemble "sequence"
sequence = BlochSimulators.AdiabaticInversion(γΔtA, Δω, Δt)
Set parameters
B₀ = -2000:2000
parameters = T₁T₂B₀.(1.0, 0.1, B₀)
Perform simulations
@time m = simulate_magnetization(CPU1(), sequence, parameters) |> StructArray
Plot results
plot(B₀, m.z);
plot(B₀, abs.(complex.(m.x, m.y)));
legend(["mz", "mxy"]);
ylim([-1, 1])
title("Adiabatic inversion for different off-resonance values")
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